Thursday, May 28, 2009

And Then There Were Two

A little mishap this afternoon to report: the wind broke the stalk of
the #1 plant while it was outside for the day. That means I have only
two plants left now, a situation I did not anticipate. Some extra TLC
for the last two for sure.

On a lighter note I am pleased to announce an addition contestant in
the pumpkin competition. My friend (and now enemy) Chris has entered
the running by accepting one of my pumpkin starts. Good luck!

And on the gossip front, I learned yesterday the my neighbor Nick, who
I started the competition with, has planted "Atlantic Giant" seeds.
The seed package quotes 400-500 pound pumpkins!

This is getting interesting.


  1. I hope you didn't toss that broken seedling. It looks from the photo that it might be able to scar over that place and continue growing . Maybe it won't be as strong as the others, but worth keeping.

  2. sounds like pumpkin pie for the wedding...
