Saturday, May 16, 2009

3D Gnome

I'm testing out an iPhone application that builds a stereo photo from
two pictures taken with the phone's camera. What do you think?


  1. How am I supposed to see the 3D effect? I have my blue & red glasses on, but the images don't become superimposed. Do I need one of those old-fashioned stereoscopes?

  2. It's not a red blue stereo image. It's the old stereo viewer style, but if you know how it's possible to do it without the viewer, just by kind of crossing you eyes while looking at the images on screen. It takes some practice but it's possible and quite cool.

  3. Actually, you use the stare through the image method to get the 3d effect.

  4. Okay. Did that and bingo! It works better for me using the small image. I get a third image in the center that is 3D and just have to ignore the 2 side images. Thanks. Give us some more. The gnome image is very good with spacing of the grass, gnome, barrel edge and plants way back.

  5. Yeah, that staring does work. Weird!! Like that old book full of 3D images, I forget what it's called. Came out about 12-13 years ago.
    Are your gnomes traveling anywhere exotic or just around your yard?

  6. Great 3D composition - love the photo!
