Monday, August 3, 2009

Apple Peeler Corer

Our apple tree has been dropping apples for about a month now. We find
that picking the apples before they fall is a good way to get
healthier, more usable fruit. But what to do with them? I think as
purely just an excuse to use it Leighann bought an apple peeler corer
the other day to tackle our growing pile. She can't stop talking about
how it's the greatest invention ever (well, besides her new iPhone of
course). Here she is working mechanical magic on an apple before she
puts it in the food dehydrator.


  1. Fun, fun! Leighann and Arthur can have a peeling race next time we meet.

    Dehydrating sounds like a good thing to do to use up extra apples. Can't help thinking of apple sauce though, too, with memories of Maine.

  2. I love it! We have fun with ours, too. I think it's so funny to have 2 greatest inventions at opposite ends of the spectrum--the iPhone and the lowly apple peeler corer. In the apple department Bill also loves the little apple cutter that you just push down and end up with 8 sections and no core.

  3. What's happening with the CA1 pumpkin? No measurements for a few days.

    Maybe you could make fruit leather with your dehydrator.
