have planted three and given away one. The biggest plant, assuming the
dominant role, has been relegated to the best plot. While not a big
location to grow in, it definitely gets the best sunlight I can offer,
something that was lacking last year. To supplement this pumpkin, I
planted two others, one in the back corner where I grew the 35
pounder, and then the third behind the outdoor fireplace, a solar
disadvantaged location.
The fourth plant I mentioned has been given away to a good home. We
have been volunteering as farm crew helpers for the past month with
Oregon Tilth, a local organization the regulates and certifies organic
standards. The have a huge public demonstration garden that, I
thought, was just begging for a giant pumpkin to draw public interest
and fun. Today I handed over the start, I hope it does well, it's
definitely in good hands and GOOD soil.
Would you describe how you made the little protective house?